Plans on opening a store in Sweden?
When entering a new country it can be tricky to get a store in the right place for the right money at the right time. Clever Cookie helps with all parts at a store establishment or store reconstruction in Sweden
Retail Analysis
Location/Establishment Analysis
What is the best location and the best situation for a new store in Sweden? Location/Establishment analysis can be heavy and boring. We make clear and specific analysis that is entirely focused on your business from both a micro and a macro perspective.
Sales Analysis
We can also assist with various financial ratios and calculations to model store's forecast sales, product and personnel costs.
Store Profiling
Need help how to fit in to the Swedish customer culture? Clever Cookie helps you to develop and adjust your store to appeal more to the Swedish customers and culture. We help you to develop your store and maximize exposure at both a commercial and customer level. Clever Cookies store profiling contains a current situation analysis and a needs analysis. It also provides you with suggestions on how to adjust to the Swedish consumption climate and increasing the store profile.
Environmental Profiling of store
There are a variety of ways to make your store green. Whether you want to adapt your old shop to a more environmentally friendly one or start up a more sustainable store, Clever Cookie can help you. We give you tips and advice not only on materials and furnishings that are environmentally sound but also how the consumption in the store environment can be more economical and more environmentally friendly. Environment profiling includes the current situation and needs analysis and practical tips and suggestions for increasing the environmental sustainability to your store.
Project Management
Management of entire project
To start a new store in a new country requires great commitment and knowledge breadth. Clearly Clever Cookie may be with you from beginning to end. From helping to find a suitable location to the construction of the entire shop and finally to the first sale at checkout.
We can provide you with all relevant information about opening a store in Sweden and take care of all communication and organisation with authorities, contractors, landlords and others involved.
Time planning
We can provide you with realistic time planning where all people involved are informed and accounted for.
How much will a new store in Sweden cost and how is this broken down? Clever Cookie can help you with investment planning and careful monitoring of costs.
What resources will be needed to start up a new store? We at Clever Cookie help with all the resources and contacts required in setting up or rebuilding. We also see that all involved are kept up to date on their relevant part of the project and can act as the project manager.